Sunday, June 27, 2010

Thai silk

today is sunday, we decided to drive around town to discover the area without the main road's traffic. We found this place just one block closer to the sea behind the main road, it looks like a tourist trap but we go in anyway just to see what's inside.

I guess in season this place is jammed with tourists brought by the tour buses, I can see there's many parking spots for giant tour bus but now is empty. They show how thai silk is being made traditionally, how they grow the silk worm, how the worm works the cacoon around its body, how to extract the silk from the cacoon and how to woven the extracted silk. It's very interesting to see how thai silk is being made, I am sure Chinese silk is just the same.

Silk is among the very few fabric that U.S. government implement 0 import tax on, because United States do not produce silk by themselves, there is no tax on a clothing item made by silk vs a clothing item made by cotton could be applied a 25% import tax without the proper quota.

There are tailor shop everywhere here, silk is cheap and labour is cheap. It may cost less to tailor-made a suit than to buy a ready-made suit in the states. I did not go in to check the prices, but I saw it cost about US$ 120 for a suit made from silk. Many European ladies would bring the designer magazine, pick the fabric and have the tailor copy the design to make evening grown. I don't wear those serious evening growns anymore, there's no ball to go to living in sunny florida, all I purchased are beach wear and silk accessories.

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