Monday, July 26, 2010

Angkor Wat

Recently I am addicted to a program called "Ancient Alien", it is a documentary program collects information from all around the world about earth being visited by Alien during ancient time. It took a closer look at Mayan's, Chinese's, Indian's, an African tribe in Mali central Africa, Polynesian and South American's record. However, the program did not cover Cambodia.

Attached photos of Angkor Wat, Wat means temple in Khmer (Cambodian Language, Wat means temple in Thai Language too). This Kingdom was built around 800AD, the temple area scattered in the middle of the city and also remote area in the jungle. I was so amazed at the workmanship of the stone, and wondered how could those people move and carve these stones without advance technology? If you take a close look at the photo, each Buddha's face was carved to perfection with different facial expression on granite or limestone, I mean these are not sandstone which could be polished easily. Each block could weight a ton and mean while you have each stack on top of each other so seamlessly.

The funny thing about them all described a war between the Gods and Evils at the end, on the other side of the globe, I saw this detail relief on a stone carving wall at Angkor Wat, there are Gods on Chariots and Evils on monster-looking flying animal fighting against each other. This wall was carved 1200 years ago, I just could not believe the way they could build this temple or palace at that level of technology.

Regarding to the program, it stated that there are shafts inside the Pyramids and this tiny little window used to point to the sky, a location where a planet used to be, its name is "Sirius". This particular planet wasn't found until 1940's and it could not be seen with naked eyes, also found there are Sirius B and Sirius C orbit Sirius A (the main planet)

The crazy thing about it all, a tribe located at Mali central Africa celebrates a festival each year to remember their sky-keeper, which taught the tribe to pinpoint the location of Sirius A, B & C !!! They have a tool which made from iron, it actually shows the exact orbit from Sirius B and C toward A, isn't it amazing? And they said these sky-keeper from "Sirius" visited them 1200 years ago meanwhile we just found these planets in the 40's !!!

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