I am not old-fashioned to a point that does not encourage science to develop, as a human-being we should know better of what is best for us, best for our body and best for our next generation.
From CNN last night or The Palm Beach Post, mentioned a genetic improved Salmon which grow twice as fast. Regular farm raised Salmon takes 36 months to mature because their growth hormone only active 6 months out of a year. Scientist took another deep-ocean fish ( forgot its name ) which growth hormone runs 12 months a year and take that gene then put into the farm raised Salmon offer to mass retail market, doing so dramatically shorten the time of raising the Salmon in another word it shorten the selling cycle means make more $ in a shorter period of time for the fish-farmer.
I personally do not eat any farm fish anymore, however it is very difficult to avoid farm raised Shrimp so I am still eating it.
We now wonder why there is so much breast cancer in women who is not even 40 years old? Cancer sounds so scary and it just seem so popular every where, I personally feel it is largely related to what we consumed.
We are consuming a lot of growth hormone we are not aware of, the chicken you ate at the restaurant seems so good but it could be shot with growth hormone to make it bigger to weight more in order to gain more $/lb.
The corn we are consuming along with its by-product is genetically altered, so does soy bean in this country; unless you are like me would go buy at health food store for organically grown product which costs more but at least I know what I am getting, I am not getting more SCIENCE into the food I am eating.
In Hong Kong, it is the law to label your food's ingredient if it was genetically altered, not the same here in USA's FDA. In Hong Kong, you'd see a label clearly marked on the product's front panel if it contains any raw materials that was genetically improved, such as soy milk used genetically altered soybean, or nestle instant coffee used genetically altered coffee bean, sometime you'd see that label on a cantaloupe if that is the case. It helped me to identify what I should buy and what I should not. Some people are not crazy over it, they'll eat anything, call me skeptical but I don't like the idea of playing God over nature.
Recently there is an Egg-scared in USA, with eggs that contaminated with germs. Do we really know what we are eating? Can we really trust what it said on the label? The answer is "NO". I was once involved in bringing in frozen food products from Asia, all it takes is to send sample to one of the lab in the country to identify all the ingredients and nutritional value, then when you really making the product, it has a margin of error for a random check by FDA, which is around 15% of difference was considered acceptable if FDA happens to take one sample out of 1000 pieces of package food product. Also if you decided to put some chemical into the food to make it taste better, you do not have to list it on the label if it is less than 2%, under FDA's rules and regulations.
I have a good friend who loves her dog so much and only trust the dog-food package label which she feeds her dog for, I asked her once do you really know what people put into the food they package in the mass market?! Do you know dog should eat REAL food if you can afford the time and expenses to prepare it for your dog? Ask any regular dog owners would tell you eating package dog food is the best for the dog's health. This is totally brain-wash by advertisement and commercial. What did a dog eat 200 years ago before there was package dog food in the supermarket?! A dog would eat whatever the household left over, or throw at the dog, as long as the sauce was omitted.
Try to think if you were your dog, eating the same brown-color looking crunchy boring food every night, won't you want to do something nice, throw her / him a piece of beef that you left over from dinner?
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