Wednesday, June 1, 2011

How are the odds?!

I know I wasn't dreaming at 7:30am in the morning, walking Samson along the street and just listening to the bird's singing, something striked me when I cleaned up his poop --- drops of blood!

Calling a vet who was referred by another friend, who's dog has digestive system problem, got an appointment in the afternoon, it was worth the 50 minute drive one way to get Samson checked out by a G.I. Specialist. (Notice: FOR DOG)

Samson was pretty calm throughout the check-up, I was waiting outside while Samson was having a rectum examination, turns out what I saw was no-day-dreaming, trace of fresh blood was lingering in his colon. The Vet told me Samson growls at her while she was examination him, I said that's normal, I'd growl too if someone suddenly stick a finger ....... >_<"

Samson was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis with food intolerance, that means his colon is bleeding a little bit from the irritation of the food he ate and he could well be allergic to something I didn't aware of (maybe beef / corn / wheat/ shellfishes). How are the odds that I adopted a dog from a shelter who has the same symptoms as my husband?

Perhaps God think I am good in taking care of people (now one dog too) who is fuzzy about food and allergic to a million items on the supermarket shelve. God think I should handle two instead of one, using the same resources to take care of the diet 24/7. Or I shall write a book named: "cooking for the fuzzy eaters, man and dog".

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