Sunday, June 19, 2011

Draw a line

“According to the rumor mill, the iPhone 5 is going to become your portable social network. The phone analyses your habits, tastes, lifestyle, aptitudes, travels and the like and finds people who share the same bandwidth. And then it tells you if a potential friend is in the vicinity. Conversely it allows you to be found and befriended by other iPhone 5 users.”

The above report stated that Apple has create a new type of social network system, competing with Facebook and Twitter, this new system allows you to make new friends near-by or meet someone who you don't really know but may like the same music or drink the same cocktails.

My parent had passed away, but I can assure you they would be very surprised by what an i-phone can do. In an old fortune-telling book of ancient Chinese, (Push-Back-Graphic) written about 2000 yrs ago, stated that in the future, (you know, from 2000 yrs ago's prospective) everyone would hold a 'brick' in their hand, can see each other and talk to each other.

When I was little, always wonder how could this happen?! I personally do not have an i-phone yet, but I will get one when the dual-band i-phone 5 arrives. The main reason for it is the translation app I've dreamed of is available now. That is with this app on an i-phone, I can point my phone to a Spanish menu and it translates to English instantly so I could order in a timely manner. Or I speak to the phone in English and the phone translate what I said in Spanish back to the waiter who is taking my order. How cool is that?! My mom would passed out if she gets to use this feature.

As conservative as I am, it is just wonderful to have all these technologies in our hands but we must draw the line. I personally prefer to meet friends whom I already known or I don't mind to meet friends from another friend, but meeting strangers base on what the phone tells me it's a bit off-the-line.

As convenient as this future phone could be, I wouldn't trade an hour of air time with social networking to an hour of playing with my child in a park, or walking hand-in-hand with my lover on the beach. Somewhere along the line, you have to draw a line.

Monday, June 6, 2011

My dream house - a green house

If one day I get really lucky, to get a chance to plan and build my own house without worrying about the HOA and POA or resale value later on, this is what I wish for:

- I wish a house being built on 2 are of land, being in tropical warmer climate, on a higher elevated land where I don't have to worry about flooding, being close to a lake or the sea where I can fish for my dinner tonight

- I wish to install solar panel on my roof to replace ceramic roof tile, to obtain energy from the sun to fuel the electricity for the house usage, such as hot-water-heater or air-conditioning system

- I wish to install a gigantic compost system which I can recycle the organic material (carrot peel, left-over food, coffee, rotten fruit...etc.) to fertilizer for my plant

- I wish to separate two parcel of the land, one side to grow vegetable and the other side to plant fruit trees such as mango tree, lychee tree, avocado tree, lemon tree, blue berry bush, banana tree, coconut tree, apple tree.....etc. So I could grow my own fruit and veggie and have extras to give to my neighbours. I'll buy meat at the supermarket because it's too much work to keep the cattle..... and slaughter them if I have to prepare dinner....~_~"

- I wish to keep about 30 hens in a fenced in yard, make their nest so they can lay eggs for my omelet in the morning, meanwhile still have room to make some babies for future generation, the hens are allow to run free as a free-range growth inside the fenced yard

- I wish to install gutter around the roof of the house and channel the water collection area in my 2 are of land, to save rain-water in a tank for irrigation around the property or daily usage.

- I wish to install sky-light by drilling hole through my ceiling and roof to allow sun light to come through the house, without using any electricity for lighting during the daytime

- I wish to install a water filtration system where water I use inside the house to wash things could be recycle to water the plant and vegetation outdoor

- I wish to install a satellite TV & Internet service on my roof, so I can log on to face book to chitchat with my friends and yell at the politics on television like I am used to!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

How are the odds?!

I know I wasn't dreaming at 7:30am in the morning, walking Samson along the street and just listening to the bird's singing, something striked me when I cleaned up his poop --- drops of blood!

Calling a vet who was referred by another friend, who's dog has digestive system problem, got an appointment in the afternoon, it was worth the 50 minute drive one way to get Samson checked out by a G.I. Specialist. (Notice: FOR DOG)

Samson was pretty calm throughout the check-up, I was waiting outside while Samson was having a rectum examination, turns out what I saw was no-day-dreaming, trace of fresh blood was lingering in his colon. The Vet told me Samson growls at her while she was examination him, I said that's normal, I'd growl too if someone suddenly stick a finger ....... >_<"

Samson was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis with food intolerance, that means his colon is bleeding a little bit from the irritation of the food he ate and he could well be allergic to something I didn't aware of (maybe beef / corn / wheat/ shellfishes). How are the odds that I adopted a dog from a shelter who has the same symptoms as my husband?

Perhaps God think I am good in taking care of people (now one dog too) who is fuzzy about food and allergic to a million items on the supermarket shelve. God think I should handle two instead of one, using the same resources to take care of the diet 24/7. Or I shall write a book named: "cooking for the fuzzy eaters, man and dog".