Victor's extended family had a shiver call (funeral jewish style) on Wednesday and Thursday, we attended both days and send our deepest condolences to the family members. During the second night's sitting shiver, Victor's elder brother told us to bring the dog with us, because his grand daughters would love to meet Samson. One of whom wants to be a Vet when she grows up later.
I wasn't sure how Samson would react in such a big group, the house had probably 20 adults and 8 kids. Samson actually enjoyed his time to be a social butterfly, running around group after group and begging for food from everyone with his cutest look, you know, one of those big eyes looking at you with a 30 degree head tilt while sitting quietly next to your feet.
While the rabbi was conducting the service and singing in Hebrew, Samson decided to join the rabbi with his awf awf tune, then I had to take him out of the house. That is the only time I felt Samson did not perform quietly, I guess he was just so excited to see so many people, so much smell from the food and 8 kids are jumping on top of him at the same time.
I was afraid there would be some nipping if the kids are rough on him, thank God Samson behaves very well, even 2 kids are very rough on pulling his tail or pretend to ride on top of him, Samson just ran away from them, did not growl or attempt to bite anybody.
Everyone could not get over Samson has only been with us for 4 weeks, every one was keep giving him treats and he was the only dog in the house, there is no other dog smell in the house so Samson did not mis-behave (did not pee inside the house).
He was able to follow simple command such as come, sit and paw; after he performs the drills then he would proceed to get his treat. This is a dog trainer program called "Nothing in Life is Free". It meant to make the dog work for his food / treat, make the dog do something before he gets his share, which makes a lot of sense.
Most children loves pet, some of them just aren't that sensitive to the pet's feeling. There was one girl keep trying to ride Samson as a horse, man he is only 12lbs, if the girl really accidentally ride on him I am sure Samson is going to break a bone somewhere. If Samson is a Mastiff then it is another story but he is just a little cockapoo!
Overall, his performance in front of a big crowd was great, he was not shy and he was not scared. He held his head high and engaging in smelling everybody, try to figure it out who has the best tasting food on their plate, then proceed to sit quietly next to that person. Victor's sister-in-law was trying to clean Samson after feeding him, he just ran away to sit by the next person's feet. She called Samson an "eat and run" dog.
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