Sunday, October 3, 2010

Photo Shoot

Last week the weather was lousy and the photo-shooting schedule was postponed twice. Hopefully the weather would be nice on tuesday afternoon at 1pm, then we could proceed to take photos of the whole house and make a video tour on the internet for potential buyers to view.

As much as I want to pressure wash the whole house and everywhere, I hate to deal with the after-math of pressure washing. These guys did a good job in pressure washing the driveway and the deck at the backyard, but the strong stream just destroyed a lot of my annual flowers and it broke some of the surface of the deck by the spa area. Victor had to patch it with puddy to repair the deck and I will have to re-plant about 30% of the annual flowers plus re-mulch the front and backyard. However, it does look 100% cleaner and sharper after pressure washing, I am sure it will look great on photos later.

The inside of the house is pretty much all set to go, I would just have to make the bed on the date of photo-shoot, set the dining room table, hide the laundry basket, hide all the shampoo bottles or tooth brush on the counter top, make sure the kitchen looks neat and tidy, have the bath tub fill with water with rose pedal and make sure the jacuzzi is running, fix up with the lighting of different area...etc.

As far as the outdoor was concerned, I will have to remulch the front and back yard plus replant some of the annual flowers that were being destroyed, make sure all fountains are full and running, outdoor dining table was set, towel was placed by the outdoor shower area, fresh flowers are set for the sitting area, pool & spa pump are up and running, umbrellas are all open, lantern will be hung under the umbrella...etc.

Just a lot to do!

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