Sunday, October 31, 2010

Chewy chicken

I was in the food market today, by the fish section and got my flounder. Here comes a young mom with her 10 years old boy, she points to the glass shelve and say:
"Look, it's octopus on the plate."

Her boy replied: "Eww." And turned his head away.

I said to the boy, "it actually tasted pretty good, pretty pretty good!"

He looks at me in doubt, still shaking his head a bit. The mother asks me: "How does it taste exactly?"

"It taste like a chewy chicken, with some texture in it, very good source of protein. This style right here was cooked with a teriyaki sauce, added some sweetness in it." I replied.

The store keeper interferes, that a free sample was offered.

The boy still turn his head away, thinking it is a gross food.

I said to the boy: "try it, it's free, and you get to try something new today. Be adventurous, you never know what the future holds?!"
The mother agrees but she wasn't trying it neither!

What I saw is the mother telling her son octopus is a gross food, putting a prejudice conclusion in his little head before he even try it, or willing to try it. I think if I am a mother, I would never tell my child my personal conclusion before he / she can try it and make a comment on his / her own.

I guess most people aren't that adventurous. Unlike it when I was a child, my parent encouraged me to try different things, go figure it out yourself, never set a limit to tell me what I can not do or what I should not try (except bad things like drug), always push the limit even when you think you have reach your peak.

By now, I think back and really feel happy that they let me try things I never imagined, I rode motorbike, I went diving, rock climbing, white-water drafting, bungee jumping, sky-diving..... I did all these before I was 24. Mom sometime just say it was dangerous for some action such as the sky-diving one, she was not crazy about it but she was there, always support me and tell me "BE ADVENTUROUS, you never know what the future holds."

Saturday, October 30, 2010

honey follow-up

It even said so in the Torah, old testament in the bible - Quoted:

Honey is one of the oldest foods and in antiquity it was used as a substitute for sugar. The words of Torah are compared to honey, in that they are sweet (Tehillim 19:11), like honey (Devarim Rabbah 1:6). The honey-like taste of manna made it an appealing food for children (Yoma 75b).

Honey supplies energy at 64 calories per tablespoon, providing fuel for working muscles. Its composition is 17.1% water, 82.4% total carbohydrates, and 0.5% proteins, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. The carbohydrate content is mainly fructose (38.5%) and glucose (31%), with the remaining 12.9% of carbohydrates made up of maltose, sucrose, and other sugars (Khan et al., 2007). The energy-yielding properties of honey are noted in Ta’nach.

During a specific battle against the Philistines, King Saul declared a fast and forbad his army to eat. King Saul’s son, Yonathan, unaware of his father’s decree and weary from the battle, found some honey in the forest and ate it. His strength was reinvigorated and he declared that if the others in the army had eaten, they would have had more strength to fight the enemy and the victory would have been much greater (I Samuel 14:27-30).

Honey has anti-microbial activity and, thus, never spoils and does not need refrigeration. Honey discovered in the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh, King Tut, was tasted by archeologists and found to be edible (Khan et al., 2007). The hypertonicity of honey (due to its high sugar content), its low pH of 3.9, its hygroscopicity, and the presence of antimicrobial substances, collectively called inhibins, all contribute to its antibacterial and antifungal properties (Zurula and Lulat, 1989). Specific antimicrobial chemicals, identified as components of the inhibins, include hydrogen peroxide, caffeic acid, and ferulic acid (Wahdan, 1998). The antimicrobial activity of honey may explain the lack of decay of the body of the dead Hasmonean girl, preserved in honey for seven years by Herod (Bava Basra 3b).

On a more pleasant note, the medicinal and therapeutic properties of honey were noted in the gemora. Honey was used as a wound salve placed on sores (Shabbos 76b, 77b, 78a, and 154b). Rashi (Shabbos 76b) noted that honey was placed on blisters that form on the backs of horses and camels due to the constant rubbing of the burdens they carry and was placed on abrasions on the back of one’s hand and leg. In modern medicine, honey has been of proven value in treating infected surgical wounds, burns, and ulcers and was successfully used in the postoperative management of patients who had undergone cancer surgeries. One report showed that skin grafting and amputation were avoided by local application of honey to wounds, which promoted healing, whereas conventional treatments failed (Zurula and Lulat, 1989). Other effects of honey on wounds include reduction of inflammation, edema, and pain resulting from burns. Several clinical studies on the usage of honey as a dressing for infected wounds reported that the wounds became microbial-free in 5 to 10 days.

It was reported that gangrenous tissue and necrotic tissue were rapidly replaced with normal tissue when honey was used as the dressing (Khan et al., 2007). Tumor development at the surgical wound site following cancer surgery was decreased by the pre- and post-operative application of honey (Hamzaoglu et al., 2000).

Apparently, there is a positive connection between honey and eyesight. In the incident cited above with Yonathan, after consuming the honey he stated, “See now how my eyes lit up when I tasted a bit of this honey” (I Samuel 14:29). Honey, if consumed after meals, was thought to be beneficial to the eyes; honey enlightens the eyes of man (Yoma 83b). Honey was used to treat the life threatening condition termed bulmos, induced by hunger. One of the symptoms of bulmos was weakening of the eyesight. For one who is seized with bulmos, we feed him honey and all other sweets, because honey and all kinds of sweets restore the eyesight of a person. Patient recovery from bulmos was indicated by restoration of vision (Yoma 83a, 84b). A Lebanese ophthalmologist, citing the ocular health effects of honey noted in the gemora as his medical reference source, reported that topical application of honey to eyes of patients improved visual acuity impaired by epithelial corneal edema (Mansour, 2002).

Many chronic human diseases have some association with oxidative stress. Antioxidants are protective chemicals that scavenge oxidants and free radicals, thereby absorbing molecular damage that might otherwise compromise the functioningof DNA, proteins, and essential lipids. Honey, with its high levels of antioxidants, may augment natural body defenses against oxidative stress, thereby promoting good health. “Given that the average sweetener intake by humans is estimated to be in excess of 70 kg/year, the substitution of honey in some foods for traditional sweeteners could result in an enhanced antioxidant defense system in healthy adults” (Schramm et al., 2003).

hidden miracle

Ever since Victor got home from the ER, he has been very weak. Though he told me not to talk about him on my blog, that he would like to remain anonymous, I would still like to bring this topic out because it is something magical.

Due to a toxin effect from taking too much antibiotic for his sinus infection, this particular problem attacks the tendon of his body, Vic had it first on his foot, then his wrist blown up like a 250lb man's hand, then his right shoulder and now his back. His appetite on food is getting better in the last 10 days, at least he does not have to follow a liquid diet, he can eat solid food and vegetable.

He has been on a website with newsgroup discussion with people around the country having the same problem with the same drug that he took, he read many stories that really scares him about the after-maths of dealing with it. Some people get better in 3 months and some just don't get better after 2 years.

Many people on this newsgroup reported having problem with Soy product, or an ingredient called "Letchitin", it exists in most sweet or chocolate, milk product or dairy related product. So Vic stopped drinking his soy milk and having his cereal in the morning, instead he makes "cream of rice" and put banana and strawberry in it.

So a week gone by, he did not get to take any desserts or chocolate. He started to complaint to me he needed something, something sweet. Then I looked into the pantry and found a package of gluten free yellow cake mix, I used this to bake a gluten free honey cake before and have boxes left over.

OK I said this is a treat, I am baking you a gluten-free honey cake. Of course it tasted great, last night was the first time he ate it, starting this morning the swollen of his shoulder had gone down and the pain from his back was subsided.

He ate some more when we came back from the golf course in the afternoon, then he said his pain has been lighter after 4pm or so. He was wondering what it was, I told him perhaps you had sex and your brain produce somekind of chemical in controlling your pain. I was kind of in the joking mode.

But he got really serious, he said it is definitely something I consumed, what did I eat that I didn't eat in the last 10 days?! I told him the only thing I could think of is the Honey Cake.

Honey! Yes, it's the honey miracle!

will post what is the good thing about honey on the next day.

National Forgiveness Day

I do not know half of these special days in United States, got Earth Day, Secretary Day, Children Day....this day that day to create awareness of some sort.

But this one is a good one, it is not made for massive merchandising, to sell cards or flowers; it is a time to reflect. And its main purpose is not just ask you to forgive someone offended you, it asks you to forgive yourself.

Many time in life we carry burden we did not have to, in golf it does the same thing. We are the one who stop us from moving forward, we are the one who expects the most from ourselves and put on extra loads and do not know how to forgive ourselves when we do make mistakes sometime.

Things happened and it may not happen the way we want to, we must learn how to forgive ourselves and let go.

There was a Zen story about a master monk bringing 3 student monks to a training, monk in Asia is not suppose to touch women, not even have direct eye contact as ancients instructed. Here by these monks are going to cross a shallow river, they saw a beautiful young lady holding a basket of food but staring at the water, she is so slim and fragile but the river's current is so strong, she is afraid to go across.

The master monk never thought of the consequences but to offer help to this young lady, she gracefully accepted and let him hold her on his back, he carried her through the river toward the opposite side. When they landed together, she thanked him and split the road.

The 3 students were speechless, they looked at each other and did not make a noise; until some hours later on the road, one of them could not suppress himself but ask his master:
"I don't understand, master, aren't we not suppose to touch women?"
"Yes, that is what we were taught, women represent temptation." Master answered.
"Then why did you carry that woman across the river? You both had close contact on the body, this is forbidden in our teaching!"

"My boy, that was 3 hours ago. I have already forgot about it, at that moment she needs help, didn't I teach you to land a helping hand whenever needed?"

"Yes you did, my master." the students nodded but still confused.

"The teaching taught us not to touch women because of the temptation posed, she is simply a person who needs help at that moment, did not pose any temptations to me, my intention was pure. I offered help yet kept my pure intention, it did not contradict our teaching. You are the one who contradict the teaching by letting it bother your mind in the last 3 hours! I let it go at the moment the lady landed on the ground. Now do you understand?!"

"Yes we understand now master, we created the trouble in our mind, if we let go like the way you did, it wouldn't make us so uncomfortable for 3 hours. As long as we keep our intention pure, we should shield ourselves from all other distraction."

Forgive and forget, don't put any extra burdens in our mind and our heart, that is what the story told I guess.

Friday, October 29, 2010


At the time I became a citizen, I should get my voting card immediately. I was pre-occupied with a lot of things to do around the house, did not submit my entry till the 5th of October. It was clearly marked on the form I submitted, it takes 29 days to be effective from the postmarked date versus voting deadline.

So here I thought I was late for the action on 11/2/2010, last weekend I received my voting card. Victor wants to vote early so I went to the early voting site with him yesterday, I told him I just got my voting card, he didn't believe it, he said now I can vote with him.

I told him No, because of the 29 dates deadline I missed it.

He insists I can vote because I received my voting card. He then said the passport mentioned 4-8 weeks process time, but I got it within 10 days, does it mean I am not allow to travel with the passport till that restricted period of time?

I disagreed with him, I thought this was because of counting the prospect vote issue. Every states are different, some states are 14 days, some states are 45 days. Anyway, I went to early voting with him.

While we were in the line, by the way it was more than a 30 minutes wait; we met a couple who lived in Costa Rica for 2 years, and they also lived in Ching Mai Thailand for 3 years, so we started talking about our trip.

At the time I sat down to register with a poll worker, she told me I was rejected!!!

I hated to say this to victor: "I TOLD YOU SO!"

Sunday, October 24, 2010

silly golf cake

I had this idea like a year ago, reading a magazine and saw a cake was made in a flip flop shape just felt it was funny looking, it was the type of cake that makes you smile just by looking at it. Then I said to myself, I could transfer the idea to make a silly-looking golf cake, not necessary a flip flop but having a theme for the cake seems fun.

At that time, I had the 14th hole of Jupiter Country Club in my mind which is a nice par 3 over water with two deep bunkers guarding the front part of the green. Now that I am at eastpointe country club, the 16th hole re-assemble a similar look to it without much elevation changes.

Victor does not feel too well lately so I have some time in my hand to fool around at the kitchen. I drew 4 scratches then I expand the most reasonably looking one into a one to one ratio drawing on a piece of wax paper, which later I can trim the cake or create some mount around the cake following the real size wax paper drawing.

While I was trying to buy baking supplies at a local cake supply store, the owner share her cake creation album with me, actually it was the owner's sister, she did not bake the cake, her younger sister did but she showed me the album. Her version was pretty funny looking but technically it was just different color of butter cream frosting and different style of piping. I needed texture, forms and slope so I decided to go on my own.

Turns out it was better-looking than the professional custom baker version, I would check later if it taste good though, the cake is going to my friend's two young daughters.

A friend was complaining that I made the cake out from cake mix (red velvet cake), well, it took 6 hours actively working around the kitchen just to fool around with the frosting, it will take 8 hours if I make the cake from scratch. I would say that is about the maximum amount of time that I committed to make a cake, the next project would be a wedding cake if it takes so much time! Anyway, Victor was amazed at the cake and said: "I've never seen anything like it!"

Summary of cost:

Cake mix $3
Pumpkin cream cheese filling $6
Marshmallow mini $2 (use as filling and also use to build mount of the slope)
Honey Graham Cookie $3 (crumble for bunker)
Eggs $2
Butter $5

Coconut sweeten $2 (rough --- mix with icing color green in a zip-lock bag, roast in oven for 15 minutes to dry afterward)
Rice Crispy $1 (crumble for cart path)
Licorice $2 (use as borders around the lake, use a carving knife to shape rakes)
Jello in blue $1 (use as lake, mold into a plastic glad box lined with plastic wrap, when the jello set a few hours later, un-mold onto the cake surface)

Icing color $3
Lady golfer $3
Green sprinkler $3 (fringe of the green and tee box grass)
Coconut oil $2
Jelly bean (tee box marker)

Creativity and Patience --- Priceless!

Monday, October 18, 2010

House Launched!
you may have to copy the above link, then paste it on your browser. I have trouble to post a hyperlink through java script on this blogger site.

click the above link, should lead you to a video tour of the house, it did not show the guest rooms and their bathrooms entirely but it shows a little bit on the photos button on top right corner. Every looks pretty good except victor's office, it shows his coffee cup hanging on the desk top.

it took more than 3 weeks to get the house into its tip-top shape for photo-shoot, I am very happy with the outcome, this is the first step to getting a prospect --- at least get dressed up! If I wake up in the morning with thick glasses, did not wash my face and comb my hair, I am sure there won't be any prospects; same theory goes to getting a client to look at the house, it has to be presented well.

Let's see what happen next! I am getting excited

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Chilean Miners

It was definitely a miracle, after 69 days being trapped under a copper and gold mine, 33 workers were successfully rescued.

From the trapped miners in China, North Carolina or the trapped soldiers under the submarine in Russia... no one survived, but this time, all 33 of them were saved, praise the Lord.

I was closely follow up with the news, it was truly an unbelievable rescue effort, joint venture from different countries, all work together under one goal --- is to free the miners.

Despite the help from all over, the 33 men themselves have to be strong enough to hang on. They voted a leader underground, who is the foreman I think he is 54 years old. He lead everybody to stay strong and connected, he told everybody if anyone starts to fight for the very limited resources and be sure they would all die together, he divided the food and water equally for the very first few weeks before people realized they are alive underground, he lead to pray everyday, he made everyone spiritually strong to hang on and have faith to believe they would be freed.

I couldn't imagine how lives were among these 33 men in 530 square foot closed space without sunlight. This would be a very good material for a movie and I will definitely go watch it.

The support from their family and friends are overwhelming, I doubted if they could hang on without having their support. The funny part was one miner has a wife and a girlfriend, today he wanted both of them present while he is being rescued by the capsule. Well the girlfriend shows up and cry in tears while seeing him alive, the wife did not present, she probably want him dead now after this event. ^_^

Just a reminder, if you are a miner; make sure you deal with one woman at a time!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Lean and mean

This is the last 3 days of Victor's medical treatment for his sinus problem, and he is going to consult an oral surgeon on Wednesday, worst comes to worst he would be undergo that sinus surgery and rest for 2 months afterward.

Yesterday was the first day he played 18 holes in 3 weeks, he got his hole-in-one on 9/24 and he did not play after that due to colitis flare up, he lost probably good 15 lb. We went out to practice on Saturday and he played 11 holes with me, then just hold the flag for me from 11th to 18th. He said feeling the fresh air is good. I cheered him up by telling him a dear friend of mine has to pay $150 each time when she visits a dietary doctor to try to shred 15 lbs, "you got it for free, victor! cheer up!"

He was laughing then.

Medalist golf and country club was very nice, the condition was better than the Ritz I would say. There's something about playing the golf course and not seeing many houses, feel more natural, more into the environment I am playing in, over marshland or around the lake, it was just very pretty and relaxing. I remember we went to see their houses when we first moved here in 2004, it had no sales office whatsoever, there was a trailer showing little models in a box and floor plan, I could not imagine how it will be 5 years later and I got scared when I looked at the scorecard, it was 5800 yard for the ladies tee and I was a beginner back then.

Even now I am much improved, still shot in the high 80's at the Medalist but I like the course very much. That resort course we played in Thailand called Springfield golf and country club is very similar but with mountains as backdrop, of course the condition is not as fine as the Medalist where the green rolls like a Persian oriental rug. But the overall layout with natural surroundings and forced carry marshland are very much alike.

I like an intimate club, where everything is smaller and everyone say hi to another. Rather than a gigantic club with thousands of people coming in and out every month. But I also don't like the fact that Medalist has such a small group of lady golfers, probably less than 15 actively playing, plus the men-rule-the-world kind of attitude. It is a men's club basically, the membership account goes to the man of the household and you are Mrs. so and so or you are the wife of someone, it is like saying you don't deserve your own title but an attachment of a male member. That is what I hate about traditional country club format.

In Asia it is similar too, the caddy service the men in your group first. If someone is pouring tea into your cup be ready this person will fill up the cup of the men at the table first. I protested it once at the club, they pay double the amount of store credit to the men's champion and I had half; luckily a month later I saw the credit amount was doubled to what it should be. Sometime you have to think, it is not the money, there is principle involves in certain things in life that you must fight for it, or you'd lose your ground.

Friday, October 8, 2010

natural remedy

Sometime it sounds very caveman like to believe in natural remedy, but it is the fact that western medicine heals one problem create the next. Personally I don't take anything unless the pain is unbearable, I may take a pill here and there, the last time I took a pain-killer was after a removal of my wisdom tooth and it basically knocked me out, I mean literally the pill did not kill any pains but just made my head very heavy and I went to sleep all day.

I had a stomachache a few days ago, followed by heartburn and bloating. Usually from eating too much in too fast a pace, or I did not move around after I ate a full stomach. Now that I remember it was the Ryder Cup, so I ate and sit on the chair to watch the Ryder Cup for a long time instead of moving around as usual. It lingered to the next day, I decided to make a soup that would make these problems go away. The key ingredients here are ginger, garlic and tons of white peppercorn, the rest is not important but I had to make it tasty so I put chicken stock with some fish ball and romaine lettuce in it, you could just use the broth with romaine lettuce if fish ball is not your favourite on the menu.

Miraculously, everything went away like half an hour after I drank the soup and chew on some cooked peppercorn. In ancient Chinese herbal medicine, peppercorn creates warmth in the stomach and expels gas in the intestines; ginger is the strongest natural anti-inflammatory from the earth. This combo just did its magic to me, but the true knowledge in Chinese herbal medicine is not one remedy fits all, it has to work on different body types. The body types mentioning here is not how we were built, it is how our inside of the body functions and an experience Chinese herbal doctor can tell by listening to your pulse, check your tongue's color, looking into your eye...etc. to distinguish what kind of body type you are, in order to give you the proper herb to heal that particular problem.

There are hot body type, cold body type, neutral body type and a mixture of cold + neutral or hot + neutral.

for example my body type is cold + neutral mix, ginger has always work for me; but my elder brother is a hot body type, if he takes ginger it will create problem for him. There was a time Mom made some special Chinese medicine soup for a very cold winter, it supposed to warm everybody up and encourage blood circulation. My mom, my father and I drank it and felt great but my elder brother drank it and he said he felt very hot inside, then he went to sleep a few hours later, he had blood running out from his nose at sleep. The conclusion was that soup did not suit his body type, it created heat on top of heat so the body had to channel it out.

The above remedy is not suitable for anyone has gallbladder problems neither, so we can not just listen to a remedy then use it, we must evaluate all facets of the herb and our own body before we try something.

Victor has been suffering from sinusitis and toothache, two of these problems together are very complex, you don't know it's the chicken or the egg. The sinus problem could be created from an infected tooth root giving pressure into the sinus area to create blockage; or he has the sinus problem all along but he feels like a toothache because the sinus and tooth share the nerve in the same area, it means it feels like a toothache but the pain is actually coming from your sinus.

After consulting two ear nose and throat specialist, he is going to visit another dentist and oral surgeon. It is like a gamble to determine who should you listen to, because the ear nose and throat specialists said it is the sinus problem, cut it open and see what's inside. The dentist think it is a root canal's issue so we can't be sure, both sides think they can operate on you and make the problem go away.

Meanwhile, taking all these very strong anti-biotic has creates problem for Victor because he has ulcerative colitis, these strong pills kill the possible bad bacteria but also kill the good bacteria in his GI. So in the meantime when he is dealing with all these confusion, he has to deal with a ulcerative colitis' flare up created by the pills which supposed to help his sinus / tooth problem.

never a dull moment.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Message in a bottle

I was reading the newspaper today, it mentioned an Australian student from Melbourne wrote a letter then put it in a bottle, throw it into the Atlantic ocean in spring of 2009 as it was a project of his marine biology course at Florida Atlantic University here at our doorstep. A 17 years old boy from Ireland picked up this bottle at a small fishing village in Ireland while spending time with his family vacation a few days ago.

Guess what?! Through the current of the Atlantic ocean, we are not that far apart. A regular airmail with the cheapest fair would take 2 weeks to send a letter to Ireland, this way it's free and it only took 1 and a half year but you don't know who is going to receive it. Funny, isn't it?!

The boy and his father, who is of course in vacation with him along other family members are very excited to reply this trans-Atlantic letter to this Australian student.

However, this student was in surprised, stated that he would never thought someone will receive his letter in the bottle. I just found it very fun to read this article, I did something like this when I was a little girl, probably 10 - 12 years old I don't quite remember. Nevertheless I wasn't knowledgeable enough to know the current in South China Sea merges into the Pacific Ocean, nor there was an email address to allow someone to send you a message in a second in those days.

I have a good habit to write down what piss me off on a piece of paper, or we shall call it a letter. Then let it hangs for a few days to decide to send it or not. My usual practice is I made all the points I had to make in the letter, explain myself very clearly and describe my feelings very truly to someone I am writing to. Then I put a hold onto the letter, decide to send it out or not 3 days later, to tell you the truth it was very rarely I send that letter out after 3 days but it was a good practice that I let my thoughts out on a piece of paper, so emotionally I am not trapping anything inside of me, at the same time I don't just lash it out onto someone nears me or working for me at that time, it acts as a very good buffer and the fact was it worked while no one is getting upset.

Shall you have anything bugs you from the policy of your club or your spouse's crazy ideas; write it down on a piece of paper --- now I would change my move, instead of hanging onto it for 3 days, stuff it into a bottle and throw it to the Atlantic Ocean.

Photo Shoot II

I am happy the weather is nice today, just a bit windy but the sky was Oh So Blue, made the photos look exceptionally well. The photographer will send me a copy tomorrow and I am excited to see it.

However, I followed the footstep of the photog even I only have a tiny little digital camera, unlike his professional gear -- to take photos around different angle of the house and from the outside. The reason as I mentioned to him, the house rarely look this tidy and have things all hidden from the counter top, I might as well use this opportunity to take some photos. He likes the bathtub scene and spent a lot of time in the masterbathroom, I personally took a lot more photos outdoor than indoor.

Ok we are ready to go, let's get some action!

Also, don't get too carry away about seeing the bathtub scene and use too much of your own imagination, it's nothing like what you are thinking while looking at that picture. Just that the scene itself is very inviting, the fact was in real life --- Victor and I were so tired from working around the house over the weekend, we dumped tons of epsom salt and eucaluptus oil into the bathtub and soak in it at a different time zone to ease our aching pain over the body! Sorry to inform you we did not have an oz more energy to do something else such as the one you thought about.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Photo Shoot

Last week the weather was lousy and the photo-shooting schedule was postponed twice. Hopefully the weather would be nice on tuesday afternoon at 1pm, then we could proceed to take photos of the whole house and make a video tour on the internet for potential buyers to view.

As much as I want to pressure wash the whole house and everywhere, I hate to deal with the after-math of pressure washing. These guys did a good job in pressure washing the driveway and the deck at the backyard, but the strong stream just destroyed a lot of my annual flowers and it broke some of the surface of the deck by the spa area. Victor had to patch it with puddy to repair the deck and I will have to re-plant about 30% of the annual flowers plus re-mulch the front and backyard. However, it does look 100% cleaner and sharper after pressure washing, I am sure it will look great on photos later.

The inside of the house is pretty much all set to go, I would just have to make the bed on the date of photo-shoot, set the dining room table, hide the laundry basket, hide all the shampoo bottles or tooth brush on the counter top, make sure the kitchen looks neat and tidy, have the bath tub fill with water with rose pedal and make sure the jacuzzi is running, fix up with the lighting of different area...etc.

As far as the outdoor was concerned, I will have to remulch the front and back yard plus replant some of the annual flowers that were being destroyed, make sure all fountains are full and running, outdoor dining table was set, towel was placed by the outdoor shower area, fresh flowers are set for the sitting area, pool & spa pump are up and running, umbrellas are all open, lantern will be hung under the umbrella...etc.

Just a lot to do!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Rachael and the Goldfishes

"What are these bottles?!" Rachael asked Aunt Joey.
"These are different food for the fish, you know, it is the same like Rachael's having dinner, you don't want to eat the same food every night, don't you?! So these are all different kinds of fish food to give them nutritional value, sometime I feed them vegetable or fruit too, they love orange and pea."
"Ok, can I feed them again with different food?!" Asked Rachael. "Oh No, you already fed them 3 rounds and that is plenty of food for them for today, otherwise their belly would hurt just like the way you feel if you eat too much food." Aunt Joey replied.

"How are you uncle Victor?" Rachael asked.
"I don't feel well, there must be something wrong with me." uncle Victor answered with a long face.
"Oh you should see a doctor!" Rachael suggests,
"I don't feel well, I can not drive to the doctor, can you take me to the doctor, please?" uncle Victor asked again.
"I can't drive you, I am 3 years old and I don't have a driver's license!"
"Maybe you can take me with your bike, you can drag me behind while you are peddling, do you have a bicycle?" Victor asked.
"Yes, I have a bicycle home but you are too heavy sorry I can't take you! You can call my doctor, his name is Doctor Vitto."